Sunday, January 15, 2017

Great Blue Lobelia

Lobelia siphilitica (otherwise known as Great Blue Lobelia) is a beautiful plant with many clusters littering each stalk. With a color ranging from light blue to bright blue-violet, these spike-shaped flowers range in height from 1 to 4 feet. These plants grow from July to October in partly shady to sunny areas such as moist fields and along shores.

24 Great Blue Lobelias have been planted in TCA's rain garden.

Marsh Marigold

Caltha palustris (otherwise known as Marsh Marigold) are a beautiful plant that show off one of our school spirit colors: gold!

These flowers grow in clumps of 2-5 on stalks which range in heights from 8 to 24 inches. With a blooming season of April to May, these plants bring a reminder that Minnesota winters don't last forever.

These plants can be found in partly shady to sunny areas such as swamps, wet ditches, springs, along shores, and in wet woods.

24 Marsh Marigold have been planted in TCA's rain garden.

Prairie Ironweed

With flat-topped or dome-shaped clusters up to 4 inches across at the top of the plant, Vernonia fasciculata (otherwise known as Prairie Ironweed) naturally attracts bees and butterflies.

Blooming from July to September, it is perfect for any garden for a school setting. Note that they will grow 3-6 feet, though!

These plants grow in sunny areas with moist soil, such as low prairies, ditches, marshes, and along shores.

48 Prairie Ironweeds have been planted in TCA's rain garden.

Blueflag Iris

Native to Minnesota, the Iris versicolor (otherwise known as Blueflag Iris) is a perennial wildflower that blooms from May to August.

With a plant height ranging from 1 to 3 feet, it is a beautiful addition to any garden.

These flowers grow in partly shady to sunny areas, wet meadows, marshes, and along shores.

24 Blueflag Irises have been planted in TCA's rain garden.

Monday, January 2, 2017


Hello, and welcome to the new website for TCA's official rain garden of 2017!

Hosted by Liberty Czarnik in partners with TCA's Environmental Club and Urban Roots, along with grants provided by Disney's Summer of Service, this garden will provide educational and ecological opportunities for many years to come.