Monday, February 13, 2017

New England Aster

With branching clusters of bright flowers, Symphyotrichum novae-angliae (otherwise known as New England Aster) is a perfect addition to any garden.

Growing from 3 to 7 feet high, these plants bloom from August to October, enjoying partly shady to sunny areas such as moist fields, along roads, and edges of woods.

24 New England Asters have been planted in TCA's rain garden.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Swamp Milkweed

Known for its pink flowers and long, narrow leaves, Asclepias incarnata (otherwise known as Swamp Milkweed) attracts many different types of bees and butterflies.

A perennial native to Minnesota, Swamp Milkweed blooms from June to September with a plant height ranging from 1 to 4 feet. This plant generally likes sunny areas with moist soil such as wet fields, swamps, and along shores.

48 Swamp Milkweeds have been planted in TCA's rain garden.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Black-eyed Susan

Rudbeckia hirta (otherwise known as Black-eyed Susan) is a popular plant in Minnesota ranging in a height of 1 to 3 feet. Known as a short-lived perennial, these flowers add a fresh pop of color in any garden.

Blooming from June to October, these flowers are perfect for any school garden, and enjoy sunny areas such as fields, prairies, open woods, roadsides, and disturbed soil.

24 Black-eyed Susans have been planted in TCA's rain garden.